The ringR package


The ringR package contains useful functions to handle ringing data (e.g. to derive durations between captures, determining annual first captures etc.) and to make specific plots (e.g. to plot capture frequencies). These functions can be used in other fields where similar capture-recapture data are collected.


The ringR package contains functions and data sets associated with the paper entitled 'Hitchhikers’ guide to analysing bird ringing data Introduction, Part 1: data cleaning, preparation and exploratory analyses' published in Ornis Hungarica 23(2), in 2015 by Andrea Harnos, Péter Fehérvári and Tibor Csörgő.


The online appendix of the above paper containing the codes and dataset can be downloaded from here.


The ringR package can be downloaded here:


Linux, Mac: ringR_0.0.1.tar.gz

Installation instructions: ringRinstall.pdf


Package maintainer: Andrea Harnos (harnosa at



To cite the ringR package in publications use:

Andrea Harnos, Péter Fehérvári and Tibor Csörgő (2015). Hitchhikers’ guide to analysing bird ringing data Introduction , Part 1: data cleaning, preparation and exploratory analyses. Ornis Hungarica 2015. 23(2): 163–188. DOI: 10.1515/orhu-2015-0018


Corresponding BibTeX entry:


title = {Hitchhikers’ guide to analysing bird ringing data Introduction , Part 1: data cleaning, preparation and exploratory analyses},

author = {Harnos A., Fehérvári P. and Csörgő; T.},

journal = {Ornis Hungarica},

year = {2015},

volume = {23},

number = {2},

pages = {163--188},

url = {},}